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Enginyeria de l'Automoció


Optativa (OP)




The main goal of the course is to teach students how to design Virtual and Augmented Reality solutions using 3D tools. These applications will use techniques and software of the automotive sector, such as computer-aided design programs or CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs, and 3D and Virtual Reality specific software and hardware.

The course is based on the traditional concepts of geometry and 3D, to explain the paradigms that make Virtual and Augmented Reality possible. The aim of the course is for students to understand these concepts and to be able to apply them in solutions adapted to the automotive sector.

It is also the aim of the course for students to internalize the possibilities that 3D and Virtual Reality tools offer to the automotive sector. They should be able to use them to improve the accessibility to the visualization of automotive design prototypes and to enhance the experience of performing maintenance on existing designs.

Resultats d'aprenentatge

Learning Output 13: Understand and apply the principles of virtual reality, holography and videomapping in the modeling and simulation of automotive systems.


  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality.
  • Chapter 2: Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality Software.
  • Chapter 3: Augmented Reality, Paradigms, and Hardware.
  • Chapter 4: Virtual Reality, Stereoscopy, Presence, and Hardware.


Being a mainly practical subject, the evaluation will be based on two main practical projects.

NF = 50%·P1 + 50%·P2

  • Project 1
    • This project corresponds to the third block of the subject. Its topic will be related to augmented reality environments and their application to the automotive world.
    • The project grade will be divided into 80% corresponding to the delivery and 20% corresponding to a written report and/or an oral defense of the same.
    • The project will be delivered by the 9th week of classes. Students will be able to recover the project doing a second delivery by the date of the final exam.
  • Project 2
    • This project corresponds to the fourth block of the subject. Its topic will be related to virtual reality environments and their application to the automotive world.
    • The project grade will be divided into 80% corresponding to the delivery and 20% corresponding to a written report and/or an oral defense of the same.
    • The project will be delivered by the 15th week of classes. Students will be able to recover the project doing a second delivery by the date of the recovery exam.

To pass the course you must have a minimum grade of 4 in each of the projects.

In the event of a new health emergency involving confinement, the activities and weights of the assessment will not be altered.


As the subject has a strong practical bias, most sessions will be dedicated to the implementation of the subject projects. At the beginning of each session, the theory underlying the practical work will be presented. The theory and exercises are related to contexts specific to the automotive sector, both from a product and process point of view.

Throughout the course, two important practices will be proposed that will be key to being able to pass the subject properly. These practices will be done in pairs (preferably) or individually following the project-based learning methodology (PBL).

It is recommended to consult the Work Plan posted in the UVic-UCC virtual classroom of the subject.

The methodology has been designed taking into account all lessons are planned to be carried out online.

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