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Practicum II




Practicum II


External Academic Practicum (PAE)

Academic year







  • Marc Vidal Falguera
  • Anna Escribà Salvans
  • Francesc X. Jaile Benítez
  • Jordi Alcaide Altet


Through practicums or supervised clinical stays, the aim is to offer training that allows a general approach to the student's professional development.

The external practices are structured through five subjects: Practicum I, Practical II, Practical III, Practicum IV i Practicum V, between the second and fourth year of the degree (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th semesters). These periods follow a progressive sequence for the acquisition of skills, in accordance with different levels of learning the skills, as well as the integration of the contents of the different subjects of the degree for each of the different programmed periods.

The clinical practicums are carried out in healthcare organizations by virtue of collaboration agreements between the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia and each of the centres. The clinical rotation takes place in hospitals, socio-health centers, primary care centers, labor unions, early care centers, specialized social care centers and private physiotherapy centers.

Supervised clinical stays aim for the student to develop and integrate, in a continuous and progressive manner, the necessary skills to apply in a real context the knowledge acquired in the different subjects that make up the study plan.

Learning outcomes

  • RA1. Knows, identifies and relates the situations of clinical practice with the ethical code of physiotherapy and acts in accordance with human rights.
  • LO2. Identify the subjective and objective assessment instruments used in the centre.
  • LO3. Record the functional ratings used.
  • LO4. Describe the user's functioning and disability situation.
  • LO5. Identifies the intervention of other health professionals in the process.
  • LO6. Facilitates and carries out effective and tailored communication and adopts an active listening attitude.
  • LO7. Acts and provides an environment of privacy and intimacy to the user and understands and respects confidentiality.
  • LO8. It shows respect for the individuality, opinions and beliefs of the user/family without making value judgments.
  • RA9. Shows interest in the dynamics of the service and the activities assigned to it.
  • RA10. He actively collaborates in the activities planned in the service.
  • RA11. It applies the safety and ergonomic rules necessary for its own safety and that of the user.
  • LO12. Show interest in clarifying doubts and recognizing the different sources of information to encourage your development as a professional.
  • RA13. It makes good use of resources following established rules with a commitment to professional values.
  • RA14. Conducts reflective practice, accepts and modifies actions and attitudes based on tutor corrections/directions and user/family feedback, and makes consistent decisions based on contextual evidence.
  • RA15. Demonstrates attitudes, abilities, skills, acquired in all subjects and applies knowledge acquired in the formal field in practice.
  • RA16. He incorporates in his actions the explanations, recommendations and knowledge acquired throughout his training to solve the different situations of the profession.
  • RA17. Plan interventions in line with democratic values and sustainable development. (T8)
  • RA18. Shows sensitivity for fair and equal professional practice between men and women. (T8)
  • RA19. Use language that respects gender, both in oral and written productions. (T8)
  • RA20. It applies strategies for the promotion of gender equality and equity between people in the professional field. (T8)


General skills

  • Demonstrate commitment to the profession and its values​​, seeking sustained improvements in practice and excellence in the care of individuals, families and the community.

Specific skills

  • Act professionally in accordance with the values inherent to the profession, as stated in the ethical code of physiotherapy, respecting the legal framework and with a critical approach.
  • Collect, analyze and critically interpret relevant information on the user/patient and their context, within a biopsychosocial approach, to evaluate and make a clinical assessment of functional impairment, activity or participation.
  • Communicate with patients/users, with significant others in their context or family, and with other professionals and managers. Use a register and channel of communication that is suited to their needs and characteristics, and the communicative context.
  • Manage, organize and optimize physiotherapy work processes and care services in accordance with administrative and legal regulations and incorporating inclusive and participatory organizational models.
  • Participate as a physiotherapist in an interdisciplinary context, coordinating with other professionals and routinely participating in work teams in practice.
  • Understand and act in accordance with the interactive behavior of the person in terms of gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context, respecting the opinions, beliefs and values ​​of people, their privacy and confidentiality, and professional secrecy, and taking the life cycle into account.

Basic skills

  • Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competencies typically demonstrated through drafting and defending arguments and solving problems in their field of study.

Core skills

  • Bring to bear values of entrepreneurship and innovation in one's academic and professional careers.
  • Develop strategies for promoting gender equality and equity for all.
  • Exercise active citizenship and individual responsibility with a commitment to democratic values and sustainable development.
  • Make use of professional skills in multidisciplinary, complex, networked environments, whether on-site or online.
  • Take control of one's learning process with a view to personal and professional growth and an all-round education.


During the practice period of Practical II the student must prepare a paper/internship report, which must be structured as follows:

The work must follow the guidelines and rules for the presentation of academic works of the FCSB of the University of Vic. The work must present the following contents:

  1. Brief description of the center and/or internship service. (Maximum 1 sheet for both sides.)
    1. User references
      1. Type of patient
      2. age
    2. Status of the center's patients (economic, social, cognitive)
  2. Summary of the medical history of the process. (Maximum 2 sheets for both sides.)
    1. Brief description of the pathological process (injury mechanism)
    2. Description of the medical diagnosis
    3. Complementary tests
  3. Physiotherapy clinical history. It must be stated:
    1. Anamnesis
    2. Subjective and objective exploration (what is done in the center)
    3. Assessment of functional capacities (as done at the center) + (other internationally validated assessment instruments)
    4. Application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (CIF) in the process
    5. Physiotherapy diagnosis
    6. Therapeutic objectives
    7. Physiotherapy treatment and intervention protocols
    8. evolution New data collection
  4. List of health professionals who intervene in the clinical case with a brief description of the time of intervention and their role
  5. Personal reflection in relation to the learning process
  6. Conclusions: they must briefly explain the results of the work and their relevance while relating them to the objectives set at the beginning of the internship period.

In the event that it is not possible to take part in curricular external clinical practices as a result of the health emergency situation, the contents of this subject will be transferred to virtuality in accordance with the specific work plan designed for this situation . This new work plan will be adjusted to the different situations of practical hours made by the student at the practice institution and will mean the completion of the learning results expected in the institution. The work plan is published in the subject's virtual classroom.


The assessment of this subject takes place:

The assignment will be delivered through the campus and the documentation will be delivered within three weeks of the end of the internship, with prior notice from the University's tutor.


Plagiarism or copying someone else's work is penalized at all universities and, according to the Regulations on the rights and duties of students of the University of Vic, constitute serious offences. This is why, during the course of this subject, any indication of plagiarism or misappropriation of texts or ideas from other people (be they authors, the Internet or classmates) will automatically result in a failure.

To facilitate the appropriate citation of texts and materials, it is necessary to consult the academic citation guidelines and guidelines available on the website of the UVic Library.

The final assessment of the Practicum II period is established through:

- The evaluation of the center's internship tutor (30% of the final grade).
- Practical II work (40% of the final mark).
- Presentation of an internship portfolio (30% of the final grade).
In order to be able to evaluate this portfolio, it is essential to have a favorable report from the internship center and 100% attendance on the internship days at the center.
In the event that the portfolio is suspended, the student will not have to recover the clinical stay time, but will have to redo it following the instructions of their tutor/or the Internship Coordinator within three days and will opt for a 5 as the maximum grade. The non-presentation of the portfolio or non-rectification of this represents the suspended subject even if the center grade is approved. In the event that the practical attendance does not reach 80%, the subject will be suspended and a practical shift of the same duration as the previous one will have to be carried out again.
If the practical part of the center is suspended, the entire subject is suspended.

The final written work is not recoverable, provided that it has been evaluated and corrected by the student in the pre-handover of the work. If the deliveries are not made on the established dates (during the practice period), in no case will the grade of the work or the self-evaluation be higher than 5.

If the final written work is suspended, the entire subject is suspended.

To pass the subject, the work and the clinical stay must be approved with a 5 each.

In order to proceed with the entry of grades, it is necessary that the student has uploaded the work, the internship portfolio and the survey completed by the center to the campus. If all parts are not delivered, it will be considered uncorrected until all are delivered. It will be valued if the student completes the survey of the tutoring received during the subject at the end of it.

Important note: It is essential to hand in all assignments and it is the student's responsibility to ensure that the center's survey is completed with the corresponding grade and the specializations completed. In the event that any of the documents have not been delivered at the time of entering the grade in the records, the subject will be SUSPENDED.



  • The methodology consists of:

• Realization of supervised practices at the service/centre.
• Completion of a work referring to a clinical case observed during the internship period and a portfolio that includes a description of the center, a reflective internship diary and a self-evaluation taking into account the learning outcomes specific to the subject of Practicum II.

The subject is in the mornings and/or afternoons depending on the working hours of the assigned center or service.



  • Niaz, Aiman (2019). Essentials of Physiotherapy Clinical Practice: A guide for physiotherapist. Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, 2019.


Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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