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Sports card 2024/2025

Esports UVIC

  • The Sports Card UVic is a virtual card that will allow you access to clubs and sports entities in Vic, Manlleu and Granollers to practice physical activity.
  • You can apply for the ‘virtual’ sports card 2024/25 from 15/09/24 at the UVic Virtual Campus.
  • The icon that proves that you have the sports card 2024/25 and that allows access to sports facilities is in the TUI UVic-UCC app (in the ‘Card’ section) or in the UVic Virtual Campus (in the preferences section).

  • Once the Sports Card has been paid, the amount paid will not be returned under any circumstances, nor will those derived from the COVID-19 (whether they are preventive health measures that involve the closure of sports clubs and entities or effects due to limited capacity, among others).

Mapa de les instal·lacions i clubs esportius de Vic


Raymond Lagonigro

Raymond Lagonigro.

"The Sports Card allows me to do physical activity every day of the week."

Sabrina el Abbassi

Sabrina el Abbassi. Nursing Student

"With the Sports Card I can practice many sports: athletics, swimming, fitness, paddle tennis, etc."

What advantages does the UVic 2024/25 Sports Card offer you??

Free access and sports discounts to the following 9 sports facilities:

How much is it worth?

The cost of the Sports Card is 60€.

Who can request it?

  • Students of official UVic studies
  • Master's and postgraduate students of the CIFC (Centre Internacional de Formació Contínua) UVic
  • Students of the UVic Language School courses (only the annual face-to-face or videoconference courses. Excluding online courses)
  • Teaching and/or administrative and service staff UVic
  • Teknós students

Where and how is it processed?

Online payment on the Virtual Campus in the section Uhub > Sports Card

Access the sports facilities by showing:

  • the "Card" section of the UVic app.
  • with your mobile phone, the identification icon of the UVic Virtual Campus Sports Card ( UHub section) + your photo Identification Document (ID, passport...).
  • or the accreditation document that you can request at the UVic Sports Service (from 10am to 1pm and from 4pm to 6pm from Monday to Friday).

When is it processed and how valid is it?

You can apply from 15 September 2024 for the whole academic year and it is valid for one academic year (from 15 September 2024 to 14 September 2025). Check the specific conditions of each club (in some of them it is valid until 15 June).

Protocol to follow in case of injury/accident

Check the information on the page: Assegurança esportiva


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