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The UVic-UCC will welcome Spain's leading figures in bioethics at an international congress in January

The UVic-UCC will welcome Spain's leading figures in bioethics at an international congress in January

The Grífols Foundation Chair of Bioethics at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) will be organising its first International Bioethics Congress in the Aula Magna on the Vic campus on 24 and 25 January. This is the first time that an event of this type has brought together the most important figures in bioethics in Spain. The programme will also feature international speakers.

The congress will analyse, discuss and reflect on the field of education and learning in this branch of ethics. It also aims to inspire and encourage innovative teaching methods and research projects in this field, in both the academic sphere and in clinical practice. On 23 January, the day before the congress starts, a satellite seminar will take place involving a group of bioethics experts from all over Spain, to create a joint working and research network to carry out collaborative and multidisciplinary projects.

In lectures and round table discussions, "different international experiences in teaching and learning of bioethics will be highlighted" during the congress, and there will be "a critical look at how students and professionals are currently being trained" in this field, explains Núria Terribas, who is joint director of the Chair of Bioethics with Victòria Camps. According to Terribas, "innovative proposals will also be presented, to improve teaching methods and we will discuss the need to involve society in the bioethics debate."

The programme of the International Bioethics Congress is aimed particularly at members of scientific societies, ethics committees and bioethics associations. It is also aimed at lecturers and researchers at universities with studies in health sciences, philosophy and law, as well as members of professional colleges. At this first event, the organisers hope to welcome a hundred participants.

For the organisation of this event, the Chair of Bioethics is working with the UVic-UCC research groups TR2Lab (Tissue repair and regeneration), M3O (Methodology, Methods, Models and Health and Social Outcomes) and SaMIS (Mental Health and Social Innovation) and the Medical Education Chair, under the umbrella of the Centre for Health and Social Care Research (CESS) and the FORES (Osona Foundation for Health Research and Education) is acting as technical secretary.

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