UVic-UCC increases the number of students enrolled by 10% in 2023-2024 and grows by 28% in four years
The University of Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC) continues to grow in overall terms, and for the first time began the 2023-2024 academic year with 12,700 students on official degree courses - a figure that is 10% higher than the previous academic year. New entrance registrations for official programmes (bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, doctoral courses and advanced vocational training programmes) ended with 4,144 students this year, 7% more than last year. These figures also represent a 28% increase in overall registration numbers, and a 29% increase in new entrants registrations over the last four academic years, since the 2020-2021 academic year.
By type of training, the new entrance registrations at UVic-UCC are divided into 3,036 students on bachelor's degree courses (9% more than the previous year), 751 on university master's degree courses (7% more), 171 on advanced vocational training programmes (an increase of 5%) and 58 on doctoral programmes (an increase of 7%). With new entrance registrations for the federation's bachelor's degree courses this academic year, 85% of the places available have been filled (via university pre-registration).
In absolute terms, including new entrance registrations and continuing students, the 12,700 students registered for official programmes are distributed as follows: 8,650 are students on bachelor's degree courses, of which 5,034 are at UVic; 2,099 at UManresa; 699 at UMedicina, and 818 on the bachelor's degree courses at UElisava. As for the remainder, 536 are studying master's degree students, 303 are doing doctoral programmes, and 343 are on advanced vocational training programmes. In addition, 2,065 students are studying bachelor's and master's degree courses at the affiliated centres (BAU, EADA and ESERP) and 303 are taking the bachelor's degree course in TILA (Translation, Interpretation and Applied Languages), which is taught jointly with the UOC.
The registration figures for the 2023-2024 academic year were presented by the rector of UVic-UCC Josep Eladi Baños at the press conference lunch that took place last Wednesday in the Gothic Hall of the Casa de Convalescència in Vic, which is where the Rector's Office is based. The event was also attended by the general manager of the Balmes University Foundation, (FUBalmes), Jordi Baiget; the general manager of the Bages University Foundation (FUBages), Antoni Llobet; the general manager of the Foundation for Advanced Health Sciences Studies (FESS), Marina Geli, and the general manager of the Elisava University School Foundation (Elisava), Javier Peña.
A very attractive university
The rector spoke in very positive terms when discussing the registration figures for UVic-UCC achieved for the 2023-2024 academic year, and said that "we have had years of sustained growth," as evidenced by the figures for recent academic years. Baños also expressed his satisfaction that the increase in registered students has taken place in all four UVic-UCC federated centres. Among the reasons he gave for this increase are the addition of new bachelor's degrees to the range of courses for the 2023-2024 academic year - the bachelor's degrees in Dentistry and Digital Society Management, and the UVic-specific bachelor's degree in General Audiology - and the fact increasing numbers of students are choosing UVic-UCC as their first choice for their university studies.
The rector also underlined the fact that this year's results for registration are positive in all training areas (bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, advanced vocational training programmes, and doctoral degrees). In this regard, he placed special emphasis on the link between advanced vocational training programmes and bachelor's degree studies: "We work to foster continuity between the various types of higher education. We want our university to help students on advanced vocational training programmes to make the transition to university studies." "We have been working with that in mind for years, and we hope that these efforts will continue to bear fruit," he added. At present, 24% of students at UVic come from advanced vocational training programmes; the figure for UManresa is 32%, and the figure for students on the bachelor's degree in Dentistry in the Faculty of Medicine is 46%.
In his assessment, the rector of UVic-UCC also highlighted the role played by the University as an agent for territorial balance. At the UVic Campus, 22% of the bachelor's degree students are from the Osona region and account for 22% of the total students registered, while 21% of students at the UManresa Campus are from the Bages region. According to the rector, these figures show that "we are a territorial university, which offers opportunities to the territory's young people and retains its talent, and which is increasingly attractive."
The figures by centre
UVic has 5,034 students registered for its bachelor's degree courses this academic year, a figure that represents an increase of 8% compared to last year. Of these students, 1,410 are new entrance registrations, 2% more than the previous year. Furthermore, 78% of the new entrance registration students chose UVic as their first preference, or in other words, they made it their first choice in the university pre-registration process. These registration results mean that 95% of the places available have been filled, and they once again confirm the trend towards growth in the range of bachelor's degree courses at the Vic Campus. The knowledge areas that have experienced the sharpest growth in registration are health sciences and business and communication degree courses, including Business Administration and Management, which has had a 33% increase in registrations.
UManresa has enrolled a total of 2,324 students in official studies (bachelor's degree and university master's degree courses and advanced vocational training cycles) for the 2023-2024 academic year - a figure that increases the number of students on the campus by 5%. New entrance registration for bachelor's degrees on the Manresa Campus amounts to 559 students, with 70% of them selecting UManresa as their first choice. The 2,099 students registered for bachelor's degree studies are an increase of 4% compared to the previous year, a figure that means that 95% of the places available were filled. Registration has increased compared to the previous academic year above all in the areas of business (49%) and education (25%), although most students are still taking courses related to health. For the business courses, this is related to the launch of the new bachelor's degree course in Digital Society Management and the second year of the advanced vocational training programme on International Trade, which was launched last year. In education, it is related to the increase in places on the advanced vocational training programme in Pre-primary Education.
In the Faculty of Medicine, in the year the bachelor's degree course in Dentistry and the UVic-specific bachelor's degree course in General Audiology was launched, there are 270 newly registered students, who are distributed as follows: 160 in Medicine; 78 in Dentistry, and 32 on the UVic-specific bachelor's degree course in General Audiology. The Faculty of Medicine has a total of 699 students registered this year. The number of first preference applicants for the bachelor's degree programme in Medicine was 162 students (20% more than the previous year) and the first preference demand for Dentistry was 100 students.
298 new students (11% more than last year) registered in the Elisava Faculty of Design and Engineering this year: of these, 201 registered for Design and Innovation, and 97 for Industrial Design Engineering. The total number of students registered this year is 818, of which 533 are studying the bachelor's degree course in Design and Innovation, and 285 the bachelor's degree course in Industrial Design Engineering.
La Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC) continua creixent en conjunt i, per primera vegada, el curs 2023-2024 arriba als 12.700 estudiants de titulacions oficials, xifra que suposa un 10 % més que el curs anterior. La matrícula de nou accés a les titulacions oficials (graus, màsters, doctorats i cicles formatius de grau superior) s’ha tancat, aquest curs, amb 4.144 estudiants, un 7 % més respecte al curs passat. Aquestes dades també representen un increment del 28 % en la matrícula global i un 29 % en la de nou accés en els últims quatre anys, des del curs 2020-2021.