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Co-tutored theses

You may opt for a co-tutored thesis if you comply with the following requirements:

  • You have a signed agreement with an external university, or other higher education institution that can issue doctoral certificates, in the first year of your doctorate.
  • You have been admitted to a doctoral programme at UVic - UCC and at the external university where an agreement has been signed and you have at least one supervisor holding a doctorate at each of the universities.
  • You have permission from the Academic Board of your doctoral programme to be co-tutored for your doctoral thesis.
  • You divide the time for preparing your thesis between the two centres. The minimum period to be spent at the external university or higher education institution must be 6 months, which may be split into shorter periods. All research visits and activities have to be included in the co-tutoring agreement.

Each academic year registration fees for UVic - UCC must be paid as established in the agreement.

Annual supervision, doctoral panel, thesis defence, assessment and certificate issue is also established in the agreement.

The back of the doctoral certificiate will include the text "Tesis en règim de cotutela amb la Universitat o centre d'Ensenyament superior estranger"/"Cotutored thesis with *name of external university or higher education institution with whom agreement was signed*"

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