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Public defense

Pending to update. (See catalan version) 

Pending to update. (See catalan version)

Pending to update. (See catalan version)

Pending to update. (See catalan version)

Once the thesis defence has been authorised and the doctoral student has paid the enrolment fee, the Doctoral School shall announce the date, hour and place of the thesis defence. The annual enrolment fee for the thesis defence is 800€.

There must be a period of 15 to 60 days between the approval of the thesis by the Academic Commmittee for the doctoral programme and its defence.


Thesis Defense

The public defense must be held on a teaching day suring the academic year.

The thesis defense shall be held in a public session at the University of thesis registration. The defence will consist of a 35-50 minute presentation of the research that was undertaken, covering the methodology, the contents and the conclusions, with special emphasis on the originals contributions.


Once the defence has been completed, the doctoral panel will issue a report and award on overall mark on the following scale: 

  • Fail
  • Pass
  • Good Pass
  • Excellent

Cum laude Mention

Members of the doctoral panel may suggest that the thesis merits the cum laude distinction, if it has been unanimously awarded an overall mark of excellent. The distinction shall only be granted if panel members vote unanimously for this option by secret ballot.

On completion of the event, the secretary will issue a certificate of the doctoral thesis defence, which must be sined by all members of the doctoral panel.

Once the examination has been completed, the Doctoral Office will notify the candidate of the final grade of the thesis by e-mail.

If the doctoral thesis is satisfactory, UVic-UCC library shall archive both an electronic copy in an open repository and a printed copy. A copy of the thesis in electronic format shall also be sent to the Ministry of Education, along with all the additional information required for the identification and consultation of the thesis.

After successful completion of the thesis defence, the new doctoral degree holder can apply for issue of a doctoral degree certificate in accordance with cuurrent legislation. In line with regluations on the issuance of certificatees, the title of the qualification shall be: Doctor of the UVic-UCC, and the certificate shall include information on the corresponding doctoral programme and any doctoral mentions.

To be issued an official doctor degree certificate, the doctoral degree holder must pay fee that is set every year by the UVic-UCC.

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