Doctoral Training Week
The 6th edition of the Doctoral Training Week will take place from 10 to 14 March 2025.
Registration from February 5th, 2025.
Date: from 10 to 14 March 2025
Mode: Face to face or hybrid (it depends on the session, check each activity below)
Registration: Virtual Campus > Community > CIFE > Training offer.
6th edition DTW programme (2025).
Acreditacions i benvinguda a càrrec de la directora de l'Escola de Doctorat
- Addressed: PhD candidates, especially first-year ones
- Hour: from 9:00 am to 9:30 am
- Language: Catalan
- Modality: hybrid
Requisitos éticos para tu tesis doctoral y la actividad profesional
- Addressed: PhD candidates, especially first-year ones
- Hour: from 9:30 am to 11:30 am
- Language: Spanish
- Modality: hybrid
Taula rodona: Experiències internacionals en l'etapa doctoral
- Addressed: PhD candidates from any year
- Hour: from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
- Language: Catalan / Spanish / English
- Modality: face to face
Com presentar el Pla de recerca i pla de formació personal (grup 1 / grup 2)
- Addressed: PhD candidates from first year
- Hour: from 3:30 pm to 5 pm
- Language: Catalan
- Modality: face to face
Cuida el teu benestar emocional durant el doctorat
- Addreseed: PhD candidates from any year
- Hour: from 9:00 am. to 11:00 am
- Language: Catalan
- Modality: face to face
Making your research stand out
- Addreseed: PhD candidates from any year
- Hour: from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
- Language: English
- Modality: face to face
Pitching public speaking
- Addressed: PhD candidates from any year. Recommended from the second year of the PhD program onward.
- Hour: from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm
- Language: English
- Modality: face to face
- Observations: Continuation of the session started on March 5. Participation in both
sessions is required.
Desenvolupament professional: Oportunitats dins i fora de l'Acadèmia
- Addressed: PhD students and early-career researchers.
- Hour: from 9 am to 11 am
- Language: Catalan
- Modality: face to face
Estrategias para posicionar mi investigación
- Addressed: PhD students, thesis supervisors affiliated with UVic-UCC, PhD program coordinators, teaching and research staff (TRS) involved or interested in participating in European projects, managers involved or interested in participating in European projects, and other potential profiles interested in the subject
- Hour: from 11:30 am to 2pm
- Language: Spanish
- Modality: face to face
- Observation: Continuation of the session started on March 14. Participation in both
sessions is required
Com presentar el Pla de recerca i pla de formació personal (grup 3 / grup 4)
- Addressed: PhD students of first year.
- Hour: from 3:30pm to 5pm
- Language: Catalan
- Modality: virtual
Estrategias para posicionar mi investigación
- Addressed: PhD students, thesis supervisors affiliated with UVic-UCC, PhD program coordinators, teaching and research staff (TRS) involved or interested in participating in European projects, managers involved or interested in participating in European projects, and other potential profiles interested in the subject
- Hour: from 9:00 am to 2pm
- Language: Spanish
- Modality: face to face
- Observation: Continuation of the session started on March 13. Participation in both
sessions is required